Entries by Susan Heider


By Bonnie Mack, NACFLM Region IV STRENGTHENS couples to renew their commitment & grow in the skills for a happy & holy marriage. EDUCATES all members about the nature & purposes of marriage as a natural institution & a Christian sacrament.  Strengthing the Married Assessment I’m sure you’ve heard the sentiment expressed many times.  We […]

PREPARING for Sacramental Marriage

 By Steve & Kathy Beirne, NACFLM Region I & II PREPARES couples to celebrate and live a Christian Sacramental Marriage. Preparing for Sacramental Marriage Assessment Formal marriage preparation in the Catholic Church began in the 1940’s in Chicago with the birth of the precana movement.  Pastors began to see that couples approaching the church for […]

Pastoral CARING

By Lorrie & Don Gramer, NACFLM Region VII PROVIDES CARE to couples and families in times of difficulty and loss.  Pastoral Caring Assessment “By the time a married couple in trouble comes to see me, the whole house is on fire…I wish we could get them assistance when it’s only a pan fire on the […]


By Judy Clark, NACFLM Region 10 OFFERS HEALING to separated and divorced spouses and their families. Divorce Healing Assessment Millions of people of various faiths and backgrounds have suffered the devastating grief of a marriage that ended in divorce.  Countless children of various ages have lived with feelings of anxiety, disorientation, guilt and abandonment.  Divorce […]

BUILDING Leadership

By Chris Codden, NACFLM Region X, Past President BUILDS and forms a team who minister to those called to the vocation of marriage and family. Building_Leadership Assessment Building leadership is the first of the building blocks for a reason.  Like any other building project, if you do not a have strong foundation, the building crumbles.  […]

The Spirituality of Struggle

By Mike Allen, M. Div., D. Min. I’m a Family Life director, not a marriage counselor, but because I sometimes write about the spirituality of marriage in our diocesan newspaper, some people view me that way. It sounds like a parody of a commercial: “Are you a trained counselor?” “No, but I did sleep in […]

Praying “All Ways” with Families

By Caroljean Willie SC, Ph.D. Prayer is the thread that can bind families together. The purpose of prayer is to establish a deeper relationship with God and to give us the nourishment we need to live as disciples of Jesus. Expanding prayer, beyond the traditional words and rituals to include all of our senses through […]

The Gray Wave

By Mary Jo Pedersen, M.A. Mary Jo spent 30 years in ministry to families and faith formation in the Archdiocese of Omaha. She and her husband, David, have three children and five grandsons.  Pete has no family in town and lives in a nursing home. Howard and Ann are retired and living in Arizona. Paul […]