Ministros del amor de Dios en familia

Ministros del amor de Dios en familia
Ministers of God’s Love in the Family

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Presentation Document / Documento de presentación

Agosto 20, 2020 a la 1:00 pm (hora Este)
August 20, 2020 at 1:00 pm Eastern

La presentación será en español

Papa Francisco dice que  “la misión de la familia es acoger a Dios en familia cuando llega en forma de niño, de cónyuge, de hermanos, de abuelos”. ¿Qué es exactamente acoger o “aceptar” al otro en familia, al modo de Cristo? ¿Qué significa ser ministros del Amor de Dios, de tal manera que nuestras relaciones familiares sean sanadas y salvadas para el amor? Estudiaremos la base bíblica, psicológica y espiritual de lo que esto significa, así como las herramientas prácticas para pasar este mensaje a las familias.

Pope Francis says that “the mission of the family is to welcome God in the family when he comes in the form of a child, a spouse, brothers, grandparents.” What exactly is welcoming or “accepting” the other as family, in the manner of Christ? What does it mean to be ministers of God’s Love, so that our family relationships are healed and saved for love? We will study the biblical, psychological, and spiritual basis of what this means, as well as practical tools to pass this message on to families.

Dora Tobar Mensbrugghe. Doctora en Teología por la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Casada y madre de dos hijos. Durante los últimos años se ha dedicado especialmente a la investigación y desarrollo de programas de formación espiritual y vida familiar como Formación de Padres al Liderazgo, Formación de jóvenes a la castidad, Discernimiento vocacional al amor y vida de pareja. Diseñó el programa denominado “La Pareja Feliz” y fue redactora en jefe de la página web para las parejas hispanas de la Conferencia Episcopal de los Estados Unidos: Conferencista en Congresos nacionales e internacionales. Actualmente dirige la oficina de Pastoral de Familia y Ministerio Hispano de La Diócesis de Lafayette en Indiana.

Dora Tobar received a Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Married and mother of two children. During the last years she has dedicated herself especially to the research and development of spiritual formation and family life programs such as Formation of Parents to Leadership, Formation of young people to chastity, Vocational discernment to love and life as a couple. She designed the program called “La Pareja Feliz” and was editor-in-chief of the website for Hispanic couples of the United States Episcopal Conference (USCCB): Lecturer at national and international conferences. She currently directs the Hispanic Ministry and Family Ministry office of the Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana.

The Gospel Call to Listen – Responding to Difficult Conversations with Dignity


Topic: July PDCC “The Gospel Call to Listen – Responding to Difficult Conversations with Dignity”
Presenter:  Emily Schumacher-Novak
Time: Jul 16, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time

Speaker Bio:  Emily Schumacher-Novak holds an M.A. in Systematic Theology from Marquette University with advanced studies in Ignatian Spirituality. She worked for ten years accompanying college students in their lives of faith before coming the USCCB. Emily now serves as the Assistant Director of Education and Outreach in the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development at USCCB. She lives in DC with her husband and their two boys.