Date: Thursday, April 15, 2021

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The novel Corona virus, known as Covid-19, has created a crisis that has had a significant negative impact on the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of people across the globe. For some, the impact has been more of an inconvenience than a crisis. For others, the impact has been severe, even traumatic, as they wrestle with the consequences of this disease. This webinar will attempt to help participants understand how they might use the opportunity of this pandemic to actually grow through this experience by focusing on what psychologists call Post-Traumatic Growth. The workshop will outline the factors that hinder such growth as well as the factors that facilitate this growth.

Darryl Ducote, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has a background in both mental health and theology. He has a Master’s Degree in Social Work from LSU, as well as, Masters Degrees in Theology and Divinity from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. He is a former diocesan priest and continues to serve the Church through involvement in RCIA, liturgy, adult formation and is currently the Director of the Office of Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Previously, Darryl had been in private practice as a psychotherapist for over 30 years working with individuals, couples and families to help them deal with a variety of issues including: anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and relationship issues. Darryl is a member of the liturgical musical group known as the “Dameans,” who have composed and recorded numerous musical compositions that are sung in churches throughout the country. In addition to his work for the Diocese, Darryl conducts workshops on prayer and spirituality, as well as, retreats and marriage enrichment courses for couples. Together with a colleague, Dr. Paul Ceasar and the staff of Catholic Life Television, he has co-authored and produced a marriage enrichment series entitled, “Partners on the Journey.” Darryl has been married to his wife, Sharon, for over 20 years and has helped to raise two stepdaughters, Rachael and Blair, who are currently thriving adults.

La Reconciliación como camino de Sanación interior

La Reconciliación como camino de Sanación interior

Reconciliation as a Way of Inner Healing

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Thursday, March 18, 2021

En la vida humana es imposible decir que nunca va a haber división, pero siempre va a ser posible la reconciliación como camino de sanación integral y de paz, la reconciliación es el resultado de una experiencia que nace del amor y de la entrega generosa. La reconciliación de la mano de la integración nos invita a poner cada uno su parte para que todo este coordinado según el plan de Dios.

La reconciliación nos invita a estar en procesos de encuentro, de salir de sí mismo para encontrar en el otro la confianza, dicho de otra es devolver la confianza, es darse la oportunidad para volver a empezar y no hacerlo solo, sino de la mano de Dios. La figura más patente de la reconciliación está en Dios que ha tomado la iniciativa para hacer la distancia más corta a través de la donación de su Hijo Jesucristo. Reconciliar es abrir el corazón a la posibilidad de encontrar una dimensión nueva de sí mismo.

In human life it is impossible to say that there will never be division, but reconciliation will always be possible as a path of integral healing and peace, reconciliation is the result of an experience that is born of love and generous self-giving. Reconciliation hand in hand with integration invites us each to put his part so that everything is coordinated according to God’s plan.

Reconciliation invites us to be in processes of encounter, to go out of ourselves to find trust in the other, said of another is to return trust; it is to give ourselves the opportunity to start over and not do it alone, but hand in hand with God. The most obvious figure of reconciliation is in God who has taken the initiative to make the shortest distance through the donation of his Son Jesus Christ. Reconciling is opening the heart to the possibility of finding a new dimension of oneself.


La hermana Maryud Milena Cortes Restrepo nació en Yarumal, Antioquia, Colombia, el 23 de septiembre de 1988, es la 1de 9 hermanos.

Ingreso a la Congregación Hermanas Misioneras Siervas del Divino Espíritu el 30 de enero de 2006, su profesión religiosa la realizó el 19 de marzo de 2010 y su profesión perpetua el 8 de junio de 2014.

Estudió misionología en una unión entre la Universidad Urbaniana de Roma y las obras misionales pontificias de Colombia, realizó la licenciatura en Psicología con Atlantic International University, la maestría en estudios de liderazgos aplicados con Boston College y el doctorado en Psicología con Atlantic International University.

Tiene una experiencia Misionera de 15 años en diferentes lugares de la geografía colombiana; se ha desempeñado como misionera en Ecuador y Estados Unidos.

Su lema de vida está inspirado en Gálatas 4; 19: “sufro dolores, hasta que Cristo se haya formado en ustedes”

Sister Maryud Milena Cortes Restrepo was born in Yarumal, Antioquia, Colombia, on September 23, 1988; she is the 1st of 9 siblings.

She entered the Congregation of Missionary Sisters Servants of the Divine Spirit on January 30, 2006, her religious profession was made on March 19, 2010 and her perpetual profession on June 8, 2014.

She studied missiology (missionary theology) in a union between the Urbaniana University of Rome and the pontifical missionary works of Colombia; and obtained a degree in Psychology from Atlantic International University, a master’s degree in applied leadership studies from Boston College and a doctorate in Psychology from Atlantic International University.

She has a missionary experience of 15 years in different places of the Colombian geography; she has served as a missionary in Ecuador and the United States.

Her life motto is inspired by Galatians 4; 19: “I suffer pain, until Christ has been formed in you”