Wednesday Morning Breakout Sessions

Breakout Workshop Sessions
W1AGender Ideology in Family Life: Pastoral ConsiderationsDefine gender ideology, its origins, why it Gender Ideology in Family Life: Pastoral Considerations represents a clash of anthropologies with our Catholic view of the human person, and why this ideology is antithetical to Catholic doctrine. This session wil address the severe damage that is having in our children, youth, and young adults, and will focus on haring pastoral considerations, the most recent resources, tools and best practices on how to approach this ideology in our ministry to families. Lucia Baez Luzondo, JD, MA, Director of Hispanic Outreach, Person and Identity Project – EPPC
W1BAnticipate, Accompany, Answer: Helping Catholic Parents Answer Life’s Tough QuestionsThis workshop will showcase Compass, a project developed by the Archdiocese of Detroit, to help parents find faithful answers to life’s tough questions. Participants will learn how to use the Compass resource catalog and experience the skill-building parent workshop designed to help parents nurture good communication with their children. Nicole Joyce, Associate Director of Family Ministry, Archdiocese of Detroit
W1CA Marriage-Building Parish/Diocese in 2024!Discover what a Marriage-Building Parish & Diocese looks like in 2024. Learn how to become more intentional in inviting couples to Sacramental Marriage. See how effective marriage programing is bringing couples to Christ and to the Church. Hear about the successes being made by those dioceses who have Catholic Marriage Initiatives (CMI) Grants and how you can benefit from their learning and experiences. Build on past successes with new, innovative resources and goals sure to make an even greater impact in the future.Lorrie Gramer & Don Gramer, Directors, MarriageBuilding – ConstruyendoMatrimonios USA
W1DJoy-filled Marriage: newly rediscovered Rule by St. John Paul II is the key to spousal love that radiates joySt. John Paul II explains, in newly rediscovered texts, that the grace of the Sacrament of Marriage forms a new bond between the spouses and God. He calls this conjugal spirituality. Peter and Theresa will explain the beauty of conjugal spirituality and the profound unity of love that grows because of it – so close that they have one interior life! Come discover St. John Paul II’s Rule for married couples!Peter & Theresa Martin
Peter: Director of the Office of Life, Marriage & Family for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester; Theresa: Executive Director of the WCI

Wednesday Afternoon Breakout Sessions

Breakout Workshop Sessions
W2AChallenges and Best Practices in Marriage Preparation for HispanicsTo learn best practices and navigate the challenges in Marriage Preparation for Hispanic Couples, empathize with the reality of Hispanic couples for marriage preparation, understand the process of convalidations and annulments, and acknowledge the connections with RCIA.Carla Ferrando-Bowling, Director of Marriage and Family Formation, St. John Baptist de la Salle Parish
W2BRelationship health of those in the pews, a Communio nationwide surveyResults from a recent extensive survey will answer the questions, What is the state of loneliness of those in the pew? What is the state of marriages of those in the pew? What are some practical steps that the dioceses and parishes need to take to support the health of marriages which will also increase the attendance of their Church parish? How do Church leaders support those who are preparing for the vocation of marriage, in both single years and engagement? And, how can Christian families and churches propose and preach the cornerstone model for marriage from a young age?JP De Gance, President and Founder, Communio
W2CSafe Haven Sunday: A Resource for Catholic Leaders in a Pornified Culture If you are a diocesan or parish leader in any capacity, you have undoubtedly been faced with the question, “How do I lead on the issue of pornography?” In 2015, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops released their formal statement, “Create in e Ma Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography.” Within this document, the bishops provide key call to actions for all Catholic leaders, including a plea for leaders to equip individuals, marriages, and families with making all homes a safe haven. In this presentation, Amanda Zurface, JCL, the Catholic Church Outreach Specialist for Covenant Eyes will share why pornography is harmful, the motivation behind the bishops speaking into the topic, and how Catholic leaders can lead on this serious issue in our diocesan and parish communities. Amanda Zurface, Catholic Church Outreach Specialist, Covenant Eyes
W2DHelping Parents Fulfill Their Duty as First EvangelizersThis workshop will help parishes increase and support the faith of families with young children. Attendees discover tools that engage, inspire, and lead families to embrace the Gospel and awaken the desire for deeper relationship with Jesus. This workshop identifies methods that work for parents with infants through age 6: hands-on, faith-based age-appropriate Parent and Child play together time, fun, interactive direct instruction, and adult small group discussion. Alan Foley, President, Early Catholic Family Life