Created for Love: Our Call to Holiness in Marriage (Spanish)

Please join us Thursday, August 17th, for the NACFLM Professional Development Conference Call when Lucia Luzondo will present, “Created for Love:  Our Call to Holiness in Marriage”. The presentation will be in SPANISH.

Date of Call: 8-17-2017

Conference Dial-in Number: 605-475-4000
Participant Access Code: 680838#

Les invitamos a participar este jueves, 17 de agosto, para la Llamada Telefónica de NACFLM para desarrollo profesional, cuando Lucia Luzondo nos expondrá el tema, “Creados para amar: nuestro llamado a santidad en el matrimonio”. La presentación será en español.

Fecha de Llamada: 8-17-2017

Llamar al: 605-475-4000

Código: 6808383#

Flyer    8-17-17 Flyer_Lucia y Ricardo | 8-17-17 Call Recording

Finding Community & Connection in Your Own Front Yard: A New View of Evangelization

Kristin Schell will be presenting our PDCC on Thursday, June 15. In her presentation she will explore the origins of her efforts, the “ibasket” she keeps on her table, the difference between hospitality and entertaining, and many other learnings that have come from this surprisingly simple idea.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 6/15/2017

Downloads:  Turquoise Table Flyer  | 6-15-17 PDCC Call

Pope Francis and the Family: Its Untold Theological Depths

Dave Thomas has been writing a book on Pope Francis and the Family. Largely a theological commentary on Amoris Laetitia. He has come to realize that most of the discussion of Amoris Laetitia fails to delve into its deep theological vision of family life. He discovered its depths by comparing his view with that of Vatican II and the writings of previous popes. While Pope Francis builds on these earlier sources, he adds a new theological foundation, that of the Trinitarian life of God. This addition makes his understanding of family life more spiritually profound and more theologically inclusive.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 4/20/2017

Downloads:  4-20-17 Thomas Flyer   | Thomas Call

“Preparando Líderes para el V Encuentro en 2018” (Preparing Leaders for the V Encuentro in 2018)

Por favor, acompáñenos el jueves, 16 de marzo, para la Conferencia Telefónica de Desarrollo Profesional (NACFLM) cuando Mar Munoz-Visoso presentará “Preparando Líderes para el V Encuentro en 2018”
Please join us on Thursday, March 16th, for the NACFLM Professional Development Conference Call when Mar Munoz-Visoso will present “Preparing Leaders for the V Encuentro in 2018”

Fecha de la llamada telefónica: 3-16-2017
Date of Call:  Thursday, 3-16-2017

Vea el anexo para más detalles.
See Flyer for more details!

Downloads:  3-16-17 Spanish PDCC Flyer  | Encuentro PDCC Recording


Preparing for the Convocation of Catholic Leaders

Paul Jarzembowski  presentations will give a framework for Convocation delegations (on the program and how this event fits into the local, national, and international experiences of Church), as well as digital participants who will engage the process online or afterwards, and how NACFLM and pastoral leaders in marriage and family life ministries will play an integral part of the success of this gathering.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 2/16/2017

Downloads:  USCCB Convocation Flyer   |    2-16-17 Call

Marriage On A Lampstand: Exploring a New Paradigm for Modern Christian Marriage

Andrew and Terri Lyke will  present highlights of their newly published book, Marriage On A Lampstand: Exploring a New Paradigm for Modern Christian Marriage.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 1/19/2017

Downloads:   Andrew & Terri Lyke Flyer  | Lyke Call   |

Family Life: Communion and Mission, Salt and Light

Trevor Thompson will briefly explore the spiritual identity and social mission of family life and then turn to concrete pastoral suggestions for engaging families in their call to be salt and light for the world.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 12/15/2016

Downloads: Thompson PDCC Flyer  |  Family Life in Technocratic Moment Presentation  | Thompson PDCC Call

Louis and Zélie Martin: The First Married Couple to be Canonized as a Couple

Christian and Christine Meert will present the PDCC about Louis and Zélie Martin: The first married couple to be canonized as a couple on October 18th, 2015.

– Who were they?
– Why and how did they choose marriage as their path to sanctity?
– How did they live their married life through the grace of the Sacrament of Matrimony, and what were their trials, their fruitfulness?
– What can we learn from their lives to become Saintly couples?

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 11/17/2016

Downloads:   Meert PDCC Flyer  | Power Point Presentation | Meert Call

Marital First Responders

This PDCC will give a history of and rationale for marital first responders. Dr. Bill Doherty will then suggest ways to teach others how to be first responders too.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 10/20/2016

Time of Call:  1:00 pm Eastern

Downloads:   Doherty PDCC Flyer  | MARITAL FIRST RESPONDERS slides | Doherty Call

The World Youth Alliance (WYA)

Julia Kenney will present information about The World Youth Alliance (WYA).  WYA is an international, non-profit organization and a coalition of young people ages 10 – 30 that promotes human dignity as the foundation of society.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 9/15/2016

Time of Call:  1:00 pm Eastern

Downloads:  September 2016 PDCC Flyer  |  WYA Call