Respondiendo al proceso del V Encuentro y al Papa Francisco: seamos discípulos misioneros para las familias

Responding to the V Encuentro process and Pope Francis: let us be missionary disciples for families

Marzo 19, 2020

La presentación será en español


La experiencia del V Encuentro nos llena de esperanza. El V Encuentro ha sido un regalo para las familias Hispanas de los Estados Unidos y para la Iglesia entera. El proceso nos ha enseñado a ser mejores oyentes y acompañantes para los matrimonios y las familias durante los tiempos difíciles de sus vidas. En esta sesión hablaremos sobre cómo el Encuentro ha profundizado nuestro compromiso de servir a las familias de nuestra Diócesis y de servir a nuestra propia familia. Hablaremos de las memorias y conclusiones del V Encuentro Nacional de Pastoral Hispana/Latina. También compartiremos sobre nuestra experiencia de presentar las memorias y conclusiones al Papa Francisco en el Vaticano.

The experience of the V Encuentro fills us with hope. The V Encuentro has been a gift to Hispanic families in the United States and to the entire Church. The process has taught us all to be better listeners and companions for marriages and families during the difficult times of their lives. In this session we will talk about how the Encuentro has deepened our commitment to serve the families of our Diocese, and to serve our own family. We will talk about the proceedings & conclusions of the V National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry. We will also share our experience of presenting the proceedings & conclusions to Pope Francis at The Vatican.

Mario y Paola Martínez cuentan con más de 15 años de experiencia en la pastoral con jóvenes, matrimonios, educación de padres y familias. Ellos han instruido a cientos de jóvenes, adultos, y parejas en talleres de habilidades de comunicación en los últimos 10 años. Han estado casados por más de trece años y tienen cuatro hijos. Paola tiene una licenciatura en Sociología de la Universidad de California en Riverside, y Mario tiene una maestría en Psicología Aplicada de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón en Connecticut y es candidato para el Doctorado en Psicología Clínica. Actualmente se desempeñan como Co-Directores de la Oficina de Pastoral Matrimonial y Familiar en la Diócesis de San Bernardino, California.

Mario and Paola Martinez have more than 15 years of experience in pastoral care with young people, marriages, education of parents and families. They have instructed hundreds of youth, adults, and couples in communication skills workshops in the past 10 years. They have been married for over thirteen years and have four children. Paola has a BA in Sociology from the University of California at Riverside, and Mario has an MBA in Applied Psychology from the University of the Sacred Heart in Connecticut and is a candidate for a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. They currently serve as Co-Directors of the Office of Marriage and Family Pastoral in the Diocese of San Bernardino, California.

Hope and Healing in the Midst of Fertility Struggles

Date of Call:  December 19, 2019

Click here for Call Recording 

PowerPoint Link

Description:  Marc and his wife Erin struggled with infertility for years, then unexpectedly found themselves pregnant after arranging to adopt.  Having heard many similar stories, he ended up researching factors that affect the emotional and psychological health of couples who struggle to conceive. From the research, he developed a roadmap to help them improve their chances to overcome infertility, but more importantly to live happier and healthier marriages.

Presenter:   Marc Sherman

Bio: Marc Sherman founded Organic Conceptions after a 20-year career in corporate America. The idea came after he and his wife Erin struggled with infertility, decided to adopt and then unexpectedly found themselves pregnant. Realizing that this phenomenon occurs regularly, they decided to conduct the first ever research project to better understand the insights, patterns and commonalities from similar stories.

They partnered with Ph.D. Kate Webster and conducted a multi-year study that uncovered 9 key emotional transitions that were common across these stories.  The research has been turned into an online cognitive based program for women and couples designed to optimize their emotional health and well-being for conception.

They are the first organization to research, map and bring to life the emotional stages critical for conception. Their online program, The Journey to Parenthood & Beyond, helps couples identify, name, address, and overcome the suffering involved when struggling to conceive, resulting in healthier patients and better outcomes.

Marc, now a father of 3 children, Maxwell (14), Emerson (8) and Kennedy (6), dedicates himself to Organic Conceptions and is an advocate for couples to ensure they are being cared for both physically and emotionally.

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