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Francine and Byron Pirola

Position: Founder
Diocese: Australia
Region: 14-Outside the U.S.
Office / Organization Name: SmartLoving
Website: https://smartloving.org

Contact Info

Email: francine@marriagerc.org
Phone: +61 434 346 280
Mailing Address:
38 Milroy Avenue
Kensington, NSW
Australia 2033

About Francine and Byron Pirola

Francine and Byron Pirola are the co-founders of SmartLoving - an international marriage and family initiative serving the Catholic community. Grounded in the Theology of the Body, their courses and other resources take full advantage of digital technologies to provide an engaging and comprehensive experience for participants. Based on the principal of 'Centrally Enabled - Locally Delivered', SmartLoving is committed to equipping local communities to provide quality relationship catechesis for their members. It is an initiative of the Parish and Marriage Resource Centre (PMRC (Australia)).