Año Jubilar de la Misericordia (Jubilee Year of Mercy )

Spanish PDCC Presentation

Reverendísimo Daniel E. Flores, S.T.D.

Objetivo: Se trata del Año de Misericordia como momento de profundizar nuestra recepción de la misericordia de Dios y nuestra misión como agentes de la misericordia de Dios.

Objective: This is the Year of Mercy as a time to deepen our reception of God’s mercy and our mission as agents of God’s mercy.

See Flyer for more details!

FECHA/Date of Call:  8/18/2016

Downloads: 8-18-16 PDCC Flyer  |  Flores Call

“How to Integrate the Catholic Response to Domestic Abuse and Violence into Family Life Programs and Ministries “

Dr. O’Brien will explain how the USCCB’s Statement, “When I Call For Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women” could be used in Family Life Programs and Ministries.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  Thursday, 6/16/2016

Downloads:  O’Brien Flyer |   6-16-16 How to Integrate the Catholic Response to Domestic Abuse into Programs | O’Brien Call


Millennials for Marriage

Ministry with Families

Judy and George Clark will present Ministry with Families:  A Series of Courses That Promotes Leadership Development, Personal Growth, Whole Community Catechesis and Ministry with a Family Perspective.

See Flyer for more details!

Date of Call:  4/21/2016

Downloads:  Clark PDCC MWF Flyer | MWF Overview Power Point | Listen to the Call

Programa Integral de Educación Sexual para Padres de Familia (Integral Sexual Education Program for Parents)

Spanish PDCC Presentation

Andrea Blanco y William Cardona, Compartir sobre sexualidad y los padres de familia.
(Share about sexuality and how parents can become better educated for their families).

See Flyer for more details!

FECHA/Date of Call:  3/17/2016

Downloads:  Andrea Blanco y William Cardona Flyer  | Listen to the Call


Peter Kennedy from the Center for Family Life Formation in the Archdiocese of Omaha presented a new program entitled SOW-REAPP™ developed for family life leaders.

See Flyer for more details!

PDCC Date: January 21, 2016

Downloads:  Kennedy Flyer | NACFLM SOW-REAPP slides | Kennedy Call

Healing and Mending Broken Relationships

John and Therese Boucher presentedHealing and Mending Broken Relationships“.

See Flyer for more details!

PDCC Date: December 17, 2015

Downloads: Boucher FlyerHAND OUT Healing & Mending Broken Relationships 2015 | Boucher Call

The Catholic Church Mobile Solution: USA Catholic Church

Jackie Szmaja  presented the  “The Catholic Church Mobile Solution:  USA Catholic Church”.

See Flyer for more details!

PDCC Date: November 19, 2015

Downloads:  SzmajaFlyerCatholic Church Mobile Solution | Szmaja Call

Working with the “Spiritual but not Religious” Engaged Couple

Dr. Jim Healy will speak on how many of our engaged couples show  little interest in being involved with the Catholic Church once the wedding ceremony is over. What are the best ways to “engage the engaged,” in order to increase the chances for future church involvement? This presentation and discussion is intended to have implications beyond ministry to the engaged.

See Flyer for more details!

PDCC Date: September 18, 2014

Downloads: Healy Flyer 9-18-14 | September PDCC Handout | Healy Call

August PDCC – Sharing Ideas

Socorro Truchan will speak on what they are doing in the Diocese of Kalamazoo to strengthen the Domestic Church, promote Catholic Schools/Religious formation, and prepare disciples for the 2015 VIII WMF in Philadelphia.

See Flyer for more details!

PDCC Date: August 21, 2014

8-21-14 PDCC FLYER | PDF for PDCC Presentation 8-21-14 | “August” Call